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Species assessments at Member State level

Choose a period, a group and then a country. Optionally, further refine your query by selecting one of the available biogeographical regions for that country.

Note: Rows in italic shows data not taken into account when performing the assessments (marginal presence, occasional, extinct prior HD, information, optional reports, etc). For Cladonia subgenus Cladina, Lycopodium and Sphagnum, Member States were asked to report on the group rather than individual species, some also reported for individual species and these are shown in italics (e.g. Sweden also reported Lycopodium zeilleri in the Boreal region).

Current selection: 2013-2018, Molluscs, Poland, All bioregions.
Member States reports
Species Region Range (km2) Population Habitat for the species Future prospects Overall assessment Distribution
area (km2)
Surface Status
(% MS)
Trend FRR
Member State
Reporting units Alternative units
Min Max Best value Unit Type of estimate Min Max Best value Unit Type of estimate
PL N/A N/A 80 grids1x1 minimum N/A N/A 80 localities minimum
PL 96 480 192 grids1x1 estimate N/A N/A N/A N/A
PL 2787 13935 5574 grids1x1 estimate N/A N/A N/A N/A
PL N/A N/A 63 grids1x1 estimate N/A N/A N/A N/A
PL N/A N/A 1126 grids1x1 estimate N/A N/A N/A N/A
PL N/A N/A 40 grids1x1 minimum N/A N/A N/A N/A
PL N/A N/A 200 grids1x1 minimum N/A N/A N/A N/A
PL N/A N/A 27 grids1x1 minimum N/A N/A 27 localities minimum
PL 2 4 3 grids1x1 estimate 3 7 4 localities estimate
PL N/A N/A 90 grids1x1 minimum N/A N/A N/A N/A
Best value Unit Type est. Method Status
(% MS)
Trend FRP Unit Occupied
Status Trend Range
Hab. for sp.
Status Curr. CS Curr. CS
Prev. CS Prev. CS
Nat. of ch.
CS trend
Nat. of ch.
Distrib. Method % MS
Anisus vorticulus CON 17600 49.97 = N/A N/A 80 grids1x1 minimum b 5.71 = Y FV = good good good FV FV = U1 x knowledge knowledge 7800 b 39.59
Helix pomatia ALP 14200 8.66 u 96 480 192 grids1x1 estimate b 1.50 = Y FV = good good good FV FV = FV noChange knowledge 9200 b 9.36
Helix pomatia CON 312700 37.93 = 2787 13935 5574 grids1x1 estimate b 4.25 = Y FV = good good good FV FV = FV noChange noChange 278500 b 50.64
Unio crassus ALP 4600 25.96 = N/A N/A 63 grids1x1 estimate b 31.74 = N Unk U1 u good good poor U1 U1 = U2 - knowledge knowledge 1400 b 19.18
Unio crassus CON 49700 17.40 = N/A N/A 1126 grids1x1 estimate b 8.96 = Y U1 u good good unk FV U1 = U1 + noChange knowledge 22700 b 17.73
Vertigo angustior ALP 3500 8.65 = N/A N/A 40 grids1x1 minimum b 1.76 = x Y FV = good good good FV FV = U1 x knowledge knowledge 2000 b 8.73
Vertigo angustior CON 37800 19.02 = x N/A N/A 200 grids1x1 minimum b 2.94 = x Y FV = good good good FV FV = U1 x knowledge knowledge 17000 b 16.95
Vertigo geyeri CON 5000 17.72 u > N/A N/A 27 grids1x1 minimum a 4.70 u > N N U1 u poor poor poor U1 U1 x U1 - noChange knowledge 2700 b 17.76
Vertigo geyeri ALP 400 1.87 = > 2 4 3 grids1x1 estimate b 1.10 u > N Y U1 - poor poor poor U1 U1 x U1 x noChange noChange 300 b 2.63
Vertigo moulinsiana CON 16600 12.87 = x N/A N/A 90 grids1x1 minimum b 2.76 = x Y FV = good good good FV FV = U1 x knowledge knowledge 8900 b 12.66