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Habitat assessments at Member State level

Choose a period, a group and then a country. Optionally, further refine your query by selecting one of the available biogeographical regions for that country.

Note: Rows in italic shows data not taken into account when performing the assessments (marginal presence, occasional, extinct prior HD, information, etc)

Current selection: 2013-2018, Forests, Latvia, All bioregions.
Member States reports
Habitat Region Range (km2) Area (km2) Structure and functions (km2) Future prospects Overall assessment Distribution area(km2)
Surface Status
(% MS)
Trend FRR Min Max Best value Type est. Method Status
(% MS)
Trend FRA
Area in good condition (km2)
(adjusted mean value)
Not good
(adjusted mean value)
Not Known
(adjusted mean value)
461.14 162.03 N/A
38.45 89.73 N/A
34.52 80.55 N/A
0.81 15.45 N/A
N/A N/A 2.02
125.40 61.52 49.69
28.04 7.91 N/A
55.69 4.84 N/A
833.62 67.58 N/A
80.55 24.05 N/A
4.19 1.04 N/A
22.86 2.54 N/A
Not good Not known Status Trend Range
S & f
Status Curr. CS Curr. CS
Prev. CS Prev. CS
of ch.
CS trend
Nat. of ch.
Distrib. Method % MS
9010 - Western Taiga BOR 64505 7.05 = x 496.33 750 N/A estimate b 2.23 x x 367.28 - 555 129.05 - 195 N/A - N/A U2 u good unk unk XX U2 x U2 - knowledge knowledge 64200 b 8.38
9020 - Fennoscandian hemiboreal natural old braod-leaved deciduous forests (Quercus, Tilia, Acer, Fraxinus or Ulmus) rich in epiphytes BOR 11927 3.65 = x 111.37 145 N/A estimate b 29.80 x x 33.41 - 43.50 77.96 - 101.50 N/A - N/A U2 = good unk poor U1 U2 = U2 - knowledge knowledge 43600 b 22.19
9050 - Fennoscandian herb-rich forests with Picea abies BOR 61690 7.20 x x 114.15 116 N/A estimate b 3.02 x x 34.25 - 34.80 79.90 - 81.20 N/A - N/A U2 x good poor poor U1 U2 x N/A N/A knowledge knowledge 45200 b 8.68
9060 - Coniferous forests on, or connected to, glaciofluvial eskers BOR 11927 2.41 = N/A N/A 16.26 estimate b 0.23 u x 0.81 - 0.81 15.45 - 15.45 N/A - N/A U2 - good good bad U2 U2 x U2 - knowledge knowledge 6000 b 2.15
9070 - Fennoscandian wooded pastures BOR 5514 0.91 x x 1.75 2.28 N/A estimate b 0.28 x x N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 1.75 - 2.28 XX x unk unk unk XX XX N/A N/A knowledge knowledge N/A a 0
9080 - Fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods BOR 64566 8.56 = x 223.22 250 N/A estimate b 17.38 - x 118.30 - 132.50 58.03 - 65 46.88 - 52.50 U2 = good poor poor U1 U2 - U2 - knowledge knowledge 68300 b 16.91
9160 - Sub-Atlantic and medio-European oak or oak-hornbeam forests of the Carpinion betuli BOR 60561 30.34 = x 20.02 51.87 N/A estimate b 11.85 - x 15.62 - 40.46 4.40 - 11.41 N/A - N/A U1 x good unk poor U1 U1 x U2 - knowledge knowledge 46700 b 38.79
9180 - Tilio-Acerion forest of slopes, screes and ravines BOR 61679 25.90 = x 56.05 65 N/A estimate b 35.28 x x 51.57 - 59.80 4.48 - 5.20 N/A - N/A U1 x good good poor U1 U1 x U2 x knowledge knowledge 47000 b 38.18
91D0 - Bog woodland BOR 64254 7.05 = x 602.40 1200 N/A estimate b 2.20 x x 557.25 - 1110 45.15 - 90 N/A - N/A U1 = good unk poor U1 U1 = U2 - knowledge knowledge 68000 b 8.75
91E0 - Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) BOR 64482 14.33 = x 87.31 121.89 N/A estimate b 21.81 x x 67.23 - 93.86 20.08 - 28.03 N/A - N/A U1 x good poor poor U1 U1 x U2 - knowledge knowledge 63800 b 31.79
91F0 - Riparian mixed forest of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia along the great rivers (Ulmenion minoris) BOR 8493 8.74 x x 4.47 6 N/A estimate b 22.62 x x 3.58 - 4.80 0.89 - 1.20 N/A - N/A U1 = good poor poor U1 U1 x U2 - knowledge knowledge 4500 b 27.11
91T0 - Central European lichen Scots pine forests BOR 7919 51.15 x x 24.81 26 N/A estimate b 26.12 x x 22.33 - 23.40 2.48 - 2.60 N/A - N/A U1 x good poor poor U1 U1 x N/A N/A knowledge knowledge 5200 a 36.11