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Habitat assessments at Member State level

Choose a period, a group and then a country. Optionally, further refine your query by selecting one of the available biogeographical regions for that country.

Note: Rows in italic shows data not taken into account when performing the assessments (marginal presence, occasional, extinct prior HD, information, etc)

Current selection: 2013-2018, Coastal habitats, Spain, None.
Member States reports
Habitat Region Range (km2) Area (km2) Structure and functions (km2) Future prospects Overall assessment Distribution area(km2)
Surface Status
(% MS)
Trend FRR Min Max Best value Type est. Method Status
(% MS)
Trend FRA
Area in good condition (km2)
(adjusted mean value)
Not good
(adjusted mean value)
Not Known
(adjusted mean value)
N/A N/A 84.05
N/A N/A 63.49
N/A N/A 286.98
N/A N/A 1212.80
10.08 7.25 221.75
N/A N/A 123
0.87 N/A 80.02
31.11 2.30 70.14
0.17 0.09 N/A
0.64 N/A 8.04
1.20 284.87 20.70
N/A N/A 186.35
N/A N/A 6.92
N/A N/A 1766.17
N/A N/A 2716.25
N/A N/A 6147.25
N/A N/A 167.27
N/A N/A 0.02
0.94 0.59 0.76
N/A N/A 0.02
5.39 7.26 0.33
14.82 5.71 30.08
4.56 4.65 11.99
18.20 N/A N/A
0.56 0.04 0.60
36.94 6.81 12.79
1.85 0.18 5.42
1.95 12.51 2.99
5.56 2.29 15.59
46.67 25.14 46.40
1.97 0.95 2.51
2.67 N/A N/A
79.36 103.26 142.48
50.56 212.31 340.68
36.92 71.69 109.38
267.20 27.63 1255.72
Not good Not known Status Trend Range
S & f
Status Curr. CS Curr. CS
Prev. CS Prev. CS
of ch.
CS trend
Nat. of ch.
Distrib. Method % MS
1110 - Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time MMAC 9400 98.95 u > N/A N/A 84.05 minimum c 98.82 u > N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 84.05 - 84.05 XX x unk unk unk XX XX U1 + method method 6500 b 98.48
1110 - Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time MATL 17400 7.31 u > N/A N/A 63.49 minimum b 0.10 u > N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 63.49 - 63.49 XX u unk unk unk XX XX U1 + method method 11700 b 6.46
1110 - Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time MMED 24800 20.45 u > N/A N/A 286.98 minimum b 3.08 u > N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 286.98 - 286.98 XX x unk unk unk XX XX U1 + method method 16500 b 17.95
1120 - Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae) MMED 30900 14.16 u > N/A N/A 1212.80 minimum b 15.13 u > N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 1212.80 - 1212.80 XX x unk unk unk XX XX U1 = method method 21000 b 10.37
1130 - Estuaries MATL 9600 15.43 = N/A N/A 238.32 estimate a 3.17 x x 9.33 - 10.83 5.78 - 8.71 220.29 - 223.21 XX x unk unk unk XX XX U1 x method noChange 8800 b 11.96
1130 - Estuaries MMED 800 4.27 = x N/A N/A 123 minimum c 12.45 x x N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 123 - 123 XX x poor poor poor U1 U1 x U1 x noChange noChange 600 b 3.05
1140 - Mudflats and sandflats not covered by sea water at low tide MMED 1900 10 x x N/A N/A 80.89 minimum c 1.73 x x 0.87 - 0.87 N/A - N/A 80.02 - 80.02 XX x unk unk unk XX XX U1 x noInfo noChange 1600 b 7.84
1140 - Mudflats and sandflats not covered by sea water at low tide MATL 13400 11.24 = N/A N/A 102.46 estimate a 0.90 = x 30.66 - 31.56 1.66 - 2.94 70.14 - 70.14 U1 x good poor unk U1 U1 = U1 x noChange knowledge 10500 b 5.49
1150 - Coastal lagoons MAC 11 1.55 = N/A N/A 0.27 estimate a 6.31 - 0.27 0.17 - 0.17 0.09 - 0.09 N/A - N/A U2 - poor poor unk U1 U2 - U2 x noChange genuine 500 b 50
1150 - Coastal lagoons ATL 2200 6.67 = N/A N/A 8.68 minimum a 0.21 = x 0.64 - 0.64 N/A - N/A 8.04 - 8.04 XX x good poor unk U1 U1 = U1 - noChange knowledge 2200 b 4.65
1150 - Coastal lagoons MED 11600 22.59 = N/A N/A 306.77 estimate b 16.73 = x 1.20 - 1.20 284.87 - 284.87 20.70 - 20.70 U2 - good good poor U1 U2 - U1 x genuine knowledge 11500 b 22.55
1160 - Large shallow inlets and bays MATL 6000 7.53 = x N/A N/A 186.35 estimate a 0.66 = x N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 186.35 - 186.35 XX x unk unk unk XX XX XX N/A noChange noChange 6000 b 4.71
1160 - Large shallow inlets and bays MMED 4300 15.85 x x N/A N/A 6.92 estimate b 0.89 = x N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 6.92 - 6.92 XX x good good good FV XX XX N/A noChange noChange 4200 b 14.74
1170 - Reefs MATL 59400 13.65 u N/A N/A 1766.17 estimate b 1.41 u N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 1766.17 - 1766.17 XX u unk unk unk XX XX XX N/A noChange noChange 32700 b 5.74
1170 - Reefs MMAC 27300 11.64 u N/A N/A 2716.25 estimate b 5.59 u N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 2716.25 - 2716.25 XX u unk unk unk XX XX XX N/A noChange noChange 20200 b 30.61
1170 - Reefs MMED 50200 17.89 u N/A N/A 6147.25 estimate b 69.53 u N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 6147.25 - 6147.25 XX u unk unk unk XX XX XX N/A noChange noChange 34500 b 16.58
1180 - Submarine structures made by leaking gases MATL 12800 36.07 u N/A N/A 167.27 estimate b 66.30 u N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 167.27 - 167.27 XX u unk unk unk XX XX XX N/A noChange noChange 9000 b 62.94
1180 - Submarine structures made by leaking gases MMED 5800 58 u N/A N/A 0.03 estimate b 0.02 u N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 0.02 - 0.02 XX u unk unk unk XX XX XX N/A noChange noChange 6200 b 63.27
1210 - Annual vegetation of drift lines ATL 9300 13.94 = N/A N/A 2.01 minimum b 30.20 = x 0.66 - 1.21 0.32 - 0.87 0.48 - 1.03 U1 u good poor unk U1 U1 = XX N/A method knowledge 9300 b 13.70
1210 - Annual vegetation of drift lines MAC 4 0.09 = N/A N/A 0.03 estimate a 0.09 - 0.05 N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 0.02 - 0.02 XX u unk poor unk XX U2 x U1 x genuine genuine 200 b 6.90
1210 - Annual vegetation of drift lines MED 12400 14.41 - > N/A N/A 13.30 minimum b 13.39 - x 5.39 - 5.39 7.26 - 7.26 N/A - 0.65 U2 - bad bad bad U2 U2 - XX N/A knowledge knowledge 12100 b 11.42
1230 - Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic coasts ATL 15500 15.71 = N/A N/A 45.50 minimum b 10.49 = x 9.72 - 19.93 0.48 - 10.93 24.86 - 35.30 U1 x good poor unk U1 U1 = XX N/A knowledge knowledge 11800 b 11.86
1240 - Vegetated sea cliffs of the Mediterranean coasts with endemic Limonium spp. MED 28000 27.28 x x N/A N/A 27.05 estimate b 5.53 - x 4.56 - 4.56 4.65 - 4.65 6.15 - 17.84 U1 x unk unk unk XX U1 x XX N/A knowledge noChange 17900 b 10.44
1250 - Vegetated sea cliffs with endemic flora of the Macaronesian coasts MAC 1089 11.60 = N/A N/A 18.20 estimate c 7.01 = 18.20 - 18.20 N/A - N/A N/A - N/A FV = good good unk FV FV = FV N/A noChange knowledge 8400 a 47.73
1310 - Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand ATL 6000 6.69 = N/A N/A 1.38 minimum b 0.63 - x 0.54 - 0.58 0.04 - 0.04 0.40 - 0.80 U1 - good poor unk U1 U1 - XX N/A knowledge knowledge 6000 b 8.29
1310 - Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand MED 34200 41.64 - x N/A N/A 56.53 minimum b 30.67 = x 36.94 - 36.94 6.81 - 6.81 12.79 - 12.79 U1 - unk poor unk XX U1 - XX N/A knowledge knowledge 33700 b 39.83
1320 - Spartina swards (Spartinion maritimae) ATL 4200 12.62 = N/A N/A 7.45 minimum c 6.03 - > 1.85 - 1.85 0.18 - 0.18 5.42 - 5.42 U1 - good poor unk U1 U1 - U1 x noChange knowledge 4200 b 15.85
1320 - Spartina swards (Spartinion maritimae) MED 4400 54.32 u N/A N/A 17.44 estimate a 100 u x 1.95 - 1.95 12.51 - 12.51 2.99 - 2.99 U2 = unk unk poor XX U2 x XX N/A knowledge noChange 4200 b 53.16
1330 - Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae) ATL 8800 6.40 = N/A N/A 22.68 minimum b 1.96 = x 4.81 - 6.31 1.53 - 3.04 14.84 - 16.34 U1 x good poor unk U1 U1 = XX N/A knowledge knowledge 8800 b 7.09
1410 - Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi) MED 46000 42.88 - x N/A N/A 118.21 minimum b 30.25 - x 46.67 - 46.67 25.14 - 25.14 46.40 - 46.40 U1 - unk unk unk XX U1 - XX N/A knowledge knowledge 46000 b 41.07
1420 - Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs (Sarcocornetea fruticosi) ATL 6300 39.88 = N/A N/A 5.26 estimate b 16.27 - > 1.80 - 2.13 0.78 - 1.13 2.34 - 2.68 U1 - good poor unk U1 U1 - XX N/A knowledge knowledge 6300 b 40.38
1420 - Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs (Sarcocornetea fruticosi) MAC 98 100 = N/A N/A 2.67 estimate a 100 = 2.67 - 2.67 N/A - N/A N/A - N/A FV = good good unk FV FV = XX N/A knowledge knowledge 2400 b 100
1420 - Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs (Sarcocornetea fruticosi) MED 37100 41.45 x x N/A N/A 325.11 minimum b 45.63 u x 79.36 - 79.36 103.26 - 103.26 142.48 - 142.48 U2 u unk unk unk XX U2 x XX N/A knowledge noChange 36600 b 41.03
1430 - Halo-nitrophilous scrubs (Pegano-Salsoletea) MED 105700 73.80 x N/A N/A 603.55 minimum b 92.77 x x 50.56 - 50.56 212.31 - 212.31 340.68 - 340.68 U2 x unk unk bad U2 U2 x XX N/A knowledge noChange 63400 b 70.52
1510 - Mediterranean salt steppes (Limonietalia) MED 80900 83.40 x x N/A N/A 218 minimum b 70.93 u x 36.92 - 36.92 71.69 - 71.69 109.38 - 109.38 U2 u unk unk bad U2 U2 x U2 x noChange noChange 40500 b 75.42
1520 - Iberian gypsum vegetation (Gypsophiletalia) MED 117800 100 x x N/A N/A 1550.55 minimum b 100 - x 267.20 - 267.20 27.63 - 27.63 1255.72 - 1255.72 XX - unk unk unk XX U1 - U1 x noChange knowledge 64900 b 99.69