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Habitat assessments at Member State level

Choose a period, a group and then a country. Optionally, further refine your query by selecting one of the available biogeographical regions for that country.

Note: Rows in italic shows data not taken into account when performing the assessments (marginal presence, occasional, extinct prior HD, information, etc)

Current selection: 2013-2018, Freshwater habitats, Estonia, None.
Member States reports
Habitat Region Range (km2) Area (km2) Structure and functions (km2) Future prospects Overall assessment Distribution area(km2)
Surface Status
(% MS)
Trend FRR Min Max Best value Type est. Method Status
(% MS)
Trend FRA
Area in good condition (km2)
(adjusted mean value)
Not good
(adjusted mean value)
Not Known
(adjusted mean value)
10.60 3.40 N/A
N/A 0.20 424.80
25.50 N/A 17.50
300 9 4
15 2 12
0.30 0.20 1.40
N/A N/A 95
Not good Not known Status Trend Range
S & f
Status Curr. CS Curr. CS
Prev. CS Prev. CS
of ch.
CS trend
Nat. of ch.
Distrib. Method % MS
3110 - Oligotrophic waters containing very few minerals of sandy plains (Littorelletalia uniflorae) BOR 5300 1.30 = N/A N/A 14 estimate a 0.09 = 10.60 - 10.60 3.40 - 3.40 N/A - N/A U1 = good good poor U1 U1 = U1 x noChange noChange 3000 a 1.55
3130 - Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the Isoëto-Nanojuncetea BOR 10800 3.90 = N/A N/A 425 estimate b 8.14 - N/A - N/A 0.20 - 0.20 424.80 - 424.80 U1 - good poor poor XX U1 - U1 - genuine knowledge 4500 a 8.17
3140 - Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp. BOR 18500 14.27 = N/A N/A 43 estimate a 6.95 + 25.50 - 25.50 N/A - N/A 17.50 - 17.50 XX + good good good FV FV + FV N/A knowledge knowledge 8900 a 25.65
3150 - Natural euthrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation BOR 17600 7.18 = N/A N/A 313 estimate a 11.89 + 300 - 300 9 - 9 4 - 4 FV + good good good FV FV + FV N/A knowledge knowledge 8200 a 8.20
3160 - Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds BOR 32400 3.77 = N/A N/A 29 estimate a 0.16 = 15 - 15 2 - 2 12 - 12 XX = good good good FV FV = FV N/A noChange noChange 15900 a 2.30
3180 - Turloughs BOR 3000 100 = N/A N/A 1.90 estimate b 100 = 0.30 - 0.30 0.20 - 0.20 1.40 - 1.40 XX = good good unk FV FV = U1 x method method 1900 a 100
3260 - Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation BOR 47400 5.29 = N/A N/A 95 estimate b 4.34 = N/A - N/A N/A - N/A 95 - 95 U1 + good good good FV U1 + U1 + genuine genuine 39000 a 5.03